Top Winning Books by Black Female Authors

Current events have highlighted the massive opportunity and humanity gaps fueled by racism. But did you know that if you compound that with the gender gap, the results are even worse for black women who can end up being doubly discriminated?

Bearing this in mind, today I want to doubly celebrate the following 3 female black authors:

o    Bernardine Evaristo

o    Candice Carty-Williams

o    Reni Eddo-Lodge

Not only have their incredibly gripping, honest and eye-opening books been awarded well renowned prizes. By focusing on the stories of black female characters, Girl, Woman, Other and Queenie are painting an image of modern British society that hasn’t been shown enough. These books are also helping readers to learn about how racism sadly affects our society, sometimes in ways that readers hadn’t realised before.

Finally, Why I’m no Longer Talking to White People About Race will introduce the reader to a deep analysis of how structural racism works and persists in today’s world.

So if you are looking for your next read, what about considering the ones below?

Extra reading

Blonde Roots by Bernardine Evaristo

Blonde Roots inverts the reality of the slave trade: in this fictional story, it’s the Aphrikans who travel to Europe in search for slaves that they can then transport and sell in New Londolo.

Genre: Fiction

By following the story of Doris, who gets kidnapped in England and sent to the colonies of the New World, the reader gets a first hand description of the brutality and harrowing realitites faced by slaves.

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Though this book was written by a white female author, it’s still a good read if you want to learn more about the cruel impacts of racism.

Set in Alabama in the 1930s, the story is narrated by young Jean Louise (Scout). Her father, Atticus, is a well known local lawyer who gets involved in the legal defence of Tom Robinson, a black man who has been falsely accused of rape.

Note: As per the nature of the topic, some of the stories and facts described in the above books can include quite graphical and violent events. Please read at your own discretion.