As a keen supporter of gender equality, I’m always looking for ways to empower women.
I was recently wondering why there are so few women portrayed in history (hint: the book Invisible Women helps explain this), and why they don’t often appear on an item that most of us carry around: banknotes!
Have you ever wondered where are all the women in the world’s banknotes?

I created this interactive data viz to answer this, showing stats by countries, continents and professions of the featured women!
- Have you seen any of these banknotes?
- Can you think of any ways in which we can expand this dashboard?
If you’ve got any comments or answers to the above questions, please reach out and let me know!
References and Attribution
The image of the £5 note used on the dashboard has been taken from Pexels and cropped to match the reproduction conditions set by the Bank of England.
The image of multiple pound notes (used as this post’s featured image) was taken from the Bank of England’s banknotes image library on Flickr.
The data for this dashboard was taken from “Where are the women in the world’s bankotes”. Article by Quartz.
For more references, please see the Attribution section in the dashboard.