I was curious to know where were the main locations of the stories from the books I’ve read so far, so I started to collate them into a list. Then the data analyst in me said “Why not plot them into a map? … and whilst I’m at it, why not draw some other useful stats too?“.
And so it began: the small and simple list grew into the Tableau Dashboard shown below!
- Click here to access the interactive version where you can:
- Filter the data based on Story Location, Genre, Author, Author’s Gender and Book Name.
- Hover over any data points to see further details.
- Open the dashboard in Full Screen for a better user experience! (Once in the dashboard page, scroll to the bottom and find the icon I highlighted in red:

- Hopefully the list will grow and the dashboard will become more sophisticated. In the meantime, enjoy it and let me know if you’ve read any of these books, and if you have any recommendations to add.
- Do note that the dashboard is still a test version so it might not work perfectly yet.
Some more notes about this dashboard:
- I have added my own ratings to the books, based solely on my personal preference. I’m not trying to emphasize or publicise any book in any form though 🙂
- One book, several Genres: some books could be classed by more than one Genre, so I’ve added all the Genres I thought would apply. This is not an exhaustive list though, so I’m happy to correct Genres or add any missing ones.
- One book, several Story Locations: similarly to the previous point, one book can have more than one Story Location (in this case I’ve only worked with Countries instead of actual cities).
Book Icon from https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/book_130304?k=1626610791443. Icons made by https://www.freepik.com